About Our Chapter
Mid-Valley OET chapter meets the second Wednesday of each month in Albany at the Sizzler Restaurant on Santiam Highway. Members and guests start arriving at 6 pm for a no-host dinner and at 7 pm our business meeting starts. This allows time to visit, talk about horses and plan informal rides before the meeting starts. Often there is an informative speaker or demonstration before the meeting. We are always excited to welcome new people to our group, we pride ourselves on being a diverse and fun chapter. We have campouts, fun rides and work parties throughout the seasons. We have had a knott clinic and some other specialized training that you may really enjoy!
The Mid Valley Chapter has been around for many years and has enjoyed an active membership of men and women willing to work hard in any kind of weather. Our projects cover local areas like McDonald Forest and Ball Hill Park in Corvallis as well as farther reaching areas like Sevenmile Horse camp and the Santiam Wagon Road in the Willamette National Forest and Cultus Corral in the Deschutes National Forest. We have an annual poker ride that is one of the oldest around. It is hosted on beautiful private property and everyone is welcome to attend. The Jokers Wild Poker Ride provides the funds to keep our tool trailer full of the needed tools to support any trail project big or small. In addition, the Poker Ride proceeds covers materials like gravel and poles needed for trail work and horse camp maintenance. Jokers Wild Poker Ride June 29, 2025! Save the Date!
Chapter Officers
- Chapter Chair: Mark Lehnert
- Vice-Chair: Joe Taylor
- Treasurer/Secretary: Rosemarie Mahoney
- Field Service: Joe Taylor
- Field Service/Public Lands: Jodi Knutson
Volunteer Positions
- Quarter Master: Kristy Schindeler
- Work Party Coordinator: Jodi Knutson, Joe Taylor,
- Historian: Helen Jensen
- Poker Ride Chairman: Paula Prince-Pacheco
- Sergeant at Arms: Jason Post
Chapter Resources
What’s Happening
Annual Event
Joker’s Wild Poker Ride
The Mid Valley Chapter puts on the Jokers’ Wild Poker Ride on the last Sunday in June every year. The poker ride is at the fantastic TE Ranch near Philomath, Oregon. The ride lasts 2-4 hours and goes over hills and through creeks. The scenery is fabulous on the hill tops looking at the mountains of the coast range and the surrounding communities. The chapter gets together the Saturday before to ride and mark the route. Members can camp overnight at the TE camp facilities. On Sunday, Mid Valley OET members volunteer their time to make this ride a fun event for other equestrians. We have raised money with this event to build trails and horse facilities and to stock our equipment trailer with the tools needed for these work parties.
Horse Camp Projects
The Mid Valley Chapter has recently built two horse camps. Both of these offer great camping and riding opportunities that aren’t used as often as they should be. Next time you plan a horse trip, visit one of these camps. They both do not require reservations and the only charge is for parking your rig
- Information to come
Cultus Horse Camp
We are very proud of our work and accomplishments at this camp. This camp is located off Century Drive east from Mount Bachelor out of Bend. Cultus has several corrals and a water pump for horse water. Mid Valley chapter has partnered with a youth work crew to maintain the horse corrals and trails at Cultus Horse Camp. The camp is close to the Pacific Crest Trail. It is also only about a 15-minute drive from Quinn Meadows Horse Camp. If you can’t get a reservation at Quinn, which can be difficult during the summer months, you almost surely can find an open spot at Cultus, and it does not require a reservation. There are trails to ride out of Cultus to reach the PCT, or you can trailer to the many other riding opportunities in the area.