About Our Chapter
The North Valley Chapter services the east side of Portland on down to around Woodburn. In the warmer months we have meetings at the Milo McIver equestrian covered area. For the colder months we are back to meeting the first Tuesday of the month at Jimmy O’s Pizzeria 1678 S Beavercreek Rd., Oregon City, OR, 97045. 6:00 p.m. dinner, 7:00 p.m. Meeting. Please contact Marty DeVall for more information via email at northvalleyoff@oregonequestriantrails.org.
Chapter Officers
- Chapter Chair: Brett Branch
- Vice Chair: Tamara Glover
- Secretary: Dana Esbensen
- Treasurer: Susan High
- Field Services: Marty DeVall
- Public Lands Becky Wolf
Volunteer Positions
Historian: Becky Wolf
Chapter Events
- Annual Fundraiser for McIver Park – Estacada, Oregon
- Adopted horse trails at Milo McIver State Park; Our volunteers work weekly on the trails.
- Clackamas Lake Horse Corrals Project – The corrals were completed in 2010. See pictures of the new corrals built by OET and read about our project!
- Special Events at Hardy Creek in the Molalla River corridor; SOLV and National Trails Day
- Chapter Trail Rides and Nehalem Bay Camp out