Oregon Equestrian Trails is the only nonprofit organization focused exclusively on ensuring trails and camps throughout Oregon remain accessible to equestrians. Your donations make it possible to fund projects in support of our mission. These activities foster opportunities for every equestrian, they build credible relationships with local and regional federal state and city forest partners and provide lasting bonds with family, friends and our environment. So help us by becoming an OET member or making a donation. Oregon Equestrian Trails as a 501(c)3 non-profit relies on our memberships and donors to help fund projects and programs that support our mission.

We gratefully accept donations in several ways. Please contact one of our OET Officers by phone or donate online via PayPal. Note: Contributions are tax-deductible — see your tax advisor for details.

Make a direct donation using your credit card.

OET participates in the PayPal Giving Fund program. This allows donors to contribute to our organization with the benefit of PayPal waiving all credit card processing fees. Please note that donated funds are transferred to OET on the 20th of each month.