The OET member Photo Classifieds are for OET members to sell items. Please become a member so you can sell your gently used items here in the OET classifieds. Your ads will be placed on our web site and in the monthly publication, the Riders Roundup Newsletter. Click here to find out how to advertise with OET.
Perry Dale Trails, Sheridan OR
Perry Dale Trails,
The Place to play, practice and enjoy your horse!
Here you’ll have natural and sensible trail scenarios and obstacles set up for you to ride on your own.
Experience 200+ trail obstacles designed to create confidence.
Whether it’s practicing for a safe trail ride,
an arena horse needing a change of scenery,
or friends wanting a beautiful place to ride, we’ve got what you need!
Trail lessons and overnight camping also offered.
Please Contact Rebecca Herron at or call 503-843-2930
Check our Website for more Information.
Perry Dale Trails
Oregon Horse Country
NW Horse Trails
Vacation Rentals from Norway Properties
Central Oregon Crescent Cabin Rental – North Coast Sunset Beach bungalow Rental – North Coast Sunset Beach Cottage Rental
Norway Properties