It was all about the food for me! …and the horse camp book. When I went to my first OET meeting, the potluck food was so amazingly good, I was hooked.
The OET work parties were a bit intimidating at first. Then, I went on one and found out not only how much fun they were, but they were good training for my horse, because we had to stop and dismount a lot. One time my husband was chopping, and I was swamping (cleaning up what he chopped). I had my horse’s lead rope around my belt. I looked up from swamping, and he had manzanita all over his head. (I guess I missed my aim.) He looked a little perturbed.
When it comes to work parties, I tell people that even if they’re just taking pictures or making sure we are all being safe, you can come and enjoy yourself. It isn’t all strenuous work.
This year, I wanted to turn on a chainsaw and not let is scare me, so I am in training, and I’m going to Allingham Trails Skills College to get certified. My last training session taught me that it can be quite fun and not so intimidating. Plus, it’s much better to be confident when you’re swinging a loud, dangerous tool around! Just my observation on that.
Most of all, I love to be in the woods with my horse. The rest is just icing on the cake. Oh, did I mention I like to eat?
Happy Trails!
Diana Pyle
Central Oregon Chapter
Want to share your OET story? Email it to vpoutreach@oregonequestriantrails.org.
Cynthia Comstock
Diana Pyle. This is your old friend Cindy Comstock. Would love to touch base. So glad you are still into horses!!! Yeah!! Because of an old injury and it’s damage to my back. I can no longer ride. Which was a hit for me. But in my heart, I am always, deeply a morgan horse lover. Thank you so much for what you did for That beautiful boy, Eminent. Cindy❤️ Remember. I have a beautiful daughter, Morgan. Who Makes my world worth while and my new grandson, Cal❤️. Have a great day!!