LNT Principle #7 Be Considerate of Other Visitors


As members of OET we are examples of horsemen with good behavior and skills. It is part of our mission to teach other users how to recreate with their horses and not create impact. Avoiding conflict is important. We all have different values. Remember that what bothers you a lot may not bother someone else. Visualize for a minute … Read More

LNT Principle #6: Respect Wildlife


LNT #6 Respect Wildlife – Avoid disturbing wildlife during nesting or calving time when babies are very young. It involves not feeding wildlife and habituating them to human food, and securing food properly so bears don’t get into it. Now this doesn’t mean that you have to tolerate wild parties in horse camps. Apart from the bad pun, … Read More

LNT Principle #5 – Minimize Campfire Use


LNT #5 Minimize Campfire Use – Campfires are a favorite thing for many people but they can create change in certain circumstances. You should make conscious decisions when it comes to having a fire; Is there enough firewood in the area to have a fire and not totally deplete all the wood that is around? Do you really need … Read More

LNT Principle #4 – Leave What You Find


LNT #4 Leave What You Find – Avoid damaging live trees and plants. Don’t pound nails into trees or chop on them. Leave natural objects and cultural artifacts there. Remember those special discoveries you’ve had when you’ve been out in the backcountry or camping in that special place?  That’s what this column is about.  Special discoveries and what … Read More

LNT Principle #3: Dispose of Waste Properly – Pack It In, Pack It Out


LNT #3 Dispose of Waste Properly – We have all heard of Pack it in, Pack it out. This includes cigarette butts, candy wrappers and pop or beer cans. Don’t leave anything in a fire pit. Human waste is another issue. Always bury your waste unless you pack it out. Besides being disgusting to see waste on top … Read More

LNT Principle #2: Camp and Travel on Durable Surfaces


LNT #2: Camp and Travel on Durable Surfaces – You create the least impact if you camp in an existing campsite and don’t make the area any larger. If you’re riding on trails, stay on the trail and don’t make it wider or cut switchbacks. Water runs down your tracks and causes erosion. If you camp and travel … Read More

LNT Principal #1 Plan Ahead – Time to Plan for the Summer


LNT #1 Plan Ahead and Prepare – Make your plans for where you are going, for food and personal needs. Make sure you think about hazards and unexpected situations you or your animals might encounter so you can be prepared. Prepare for any weather conditions, Thunderstorms can cause fires in the summer, know an alternate way out? Weather can … Read More

The 7 Principals of LNT vs. Roy Rogers Riders Rules


A friend recently sent me a wonderful thank you card for a Christmas present I had sent her.  On the front of it is  was a picture of Roy Rogers and his horse Trigger.  On the back of the card were Roy Rogers Riders Rules.  Now, for us “older” riders, Roy Rogers, Trigger and Dale Evans and her … Read More