At the February board meeting, the OET board of directors voted unanimously to pass a resolution opposing the transfer or sale of public lands. This action was taken because of concerns that recent Congressional actions could result in federal lands being transferred to the states. Several states, led by Utah, have endorsed plans to accept these lands and open them up to increased grazing, logging, mining, and oil extraction. The board’s concern is that if this occurs, public access to these lands may be severely curtailed and equestrian access to the trails we cherish may be lost. With the board’s affirmative vote on this resolution, OET has a clear path to take actions, including lobbying public officials, to oppose these land transfers. Here is the text of the resolution:
WHEREAS, the mission of Oregon Equestrian Trails is to work to ensure that public lands remain open to recreational equestrian use, and
WHEREAS, the public lands of this nation managed by the United States Department of the Interior and Agriculture are a part of our national treasure and heritage, and
WHEREAS, the public lands of this nation managed by the United States Departments of Interior and Agriculture are held in perpetuity to benefit future generations of Americans because of the renewable resources and recreational value they offer, and
WHEREAS, we support the sustainable management of resources on federal lands in cooperation with other stakeholders, and
WHEREAS, the transfer or sale of these lands will remove large acreages from the nation’s federal public lands system, fragment existing land areas, compromise public access, and set a precedent for the privatization of all public land, and
WHEREAS, specifically the disposal of these federal public lands will decrease the opportunity for all recreational use of these lands,
WHEREAS, no federal lands should be removed or transferred except for lands considered under the Federal Land Transaction Reconciliation Act (FLRTA, PL 106-248),
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Oregon Equestrian Trails to go on record in opposition of any plan, action, or legislation for the disposal, sale, or transfer of public lands managed by the United States Departments of Interior and Agriculture (except under FLRTA).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be made to the President of the United States of America, congressional delegations and elected officials from each state, and agency officials of the Department of the Interior and Agriculture.
Approved by the Board of Directors of Oregon Equestrian Trails on February 26, 2017.
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