Looking for a New Trail to Ride?

Every new member receives our OET Guidebook, which includes information on members’ favorite trails, as well as every horse camp in the state of Oregon. Plus, you’ll get to ride in some beautiful places with your OET friends. This book includes horse camp and trail information, maps, helpful tips, and a history of OET along with information on each chapter.

Each year our chapters hold riding events, camp outs and work parties. Becoming a member enables you to participate with your local chapter’s event. We have chapter spread out all over the state where you will find local members willing to provide personal guidance as to where the best trails are in their area. Communicate through Trail Mail or call them up, travel to one of their events and get the personal touch so you can find the best trails with our most spectacular Oregon scenery.

Join OET so you can get advice on where to ride from our many members.