OET Guidebook
Every new member receives our OET Guidebook free, which includes information on members’ favorite trails, as well as every horse camp in the state of Oregon. This book includes horse camp and trail information, maps, helpful tips, and a history of OET along with information on each chapter.
OET Trail Mail
An online, members only tool that allows for immediate communication between OET members, and an open forum for discussion of equine topics. It has enabled us to “talk” to each other no matter what chapter we belong to, and share information on trail conditions, ride and work party plans and political developments related to equestrians. Traveling to a distant location this summer, get direct immediate advice from other members in the area.
Riders’ Roundup Newsletter
Read articles about equestrian related news, reviews of our favorite camps and trails and reports from state officers and local chapters. Each month the Riders Round up is distributed through USPS Mail or electronic E-mail. It summarizes what the current political issues are with equestrians and whats going on the the many other chapters throughout the state. We encourage members to contribute equestrian related articles.