Who Are We? We are a non profit working for all equestrians and trail lovers!

OET’s Mission Statement: OET Advocates for recreational access, partners with land managers to care for trails and horse camps, unites equestrians through opportunities and information related to trail riding. 


Saddle up horse lovers! From January 15th to April 16th Join the ultimate equine Challenge: 30 rides and a grand total of 40 hours horsemanship with your trusty steed (or two!) Remember, it’s one horse at a time–no multitasking here! Each ride, workout, or pampering session (A.K.A. TLC) needs to clock in a minimum of 15 minutes to count toward that glorious 40-hour goal. Whether you’re brushing your horse, mastering ground training, or hitting the trails (or the lesson arena), it all counts-just don’t sneak in those barn chores. Chores don’t count as horse lovin’ time. This challenge is for OET members! Not a member yet? Well, hop on board and join the fun! Your challenge hours will be linked with your name & membership number. Let the horsin’ around begin! TO JOIN EMAIL: winterchallengeoet@gmail.com subject: Your name, first & last initial

*Because of our membership we have clout. We have a larger voice. Whether you join work parties or just enjoy reading the monthly newsletter, EVERY member is important!

As a new member *You receive a Riders Roundup Newsletter 11 months of the year as well as an exceptional Horse Camp and Trails Member Guidebook!

*Be informed! Learn the latest information on happenings in your favorite riding and camping areas! Don’t see what you are looking for? Email: vpoutreachoet@gmail.com

Buy your Raffle ticket $5.00 – you can’t win if you don’t play!

Check out our Calendar Tab Month View

Free Monthly Newsletter with your membership!

“Volunteers are not paid—not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless!”-Anonymous

Issue with Non Horse Campers in your horse camp? Report it! Use the BCH Form – follow the link on the right of this page under the Recent News heading~